Saturday, June 7, 2008 and travel

I can see great potential for sites like delicious. I will use it when travelling. It will save having to download info to a memory stick, or will act as a useful back up should the stick go AWOL or not work.
When you are travelling for an extended period the volume of material you need to have tends to get rather bulky, so this should save some of that hassle.

I also think it would be great to use for FAQ in libraries. If every staff member has access, it will save time, especially when those difficult assignment question come out. It will also save having to put useful sites in the favourites on every machine. This all assumes our IT people will let us load it.

Contact Juggling

This is an amazing performance technique. This guy is amazingly good. When you see it live it is mesmerizing. Watch out for street performers near you.


I found many of the wikis very interesting. I particularly like the one with library procedures on it- so much easier than accessing Trim . However at my library we would never be able to use it for that purpose- procedures are NOT to be tampered with!

I also liked the book review style of Wiki. I think this would be an invaluable addition to OPACs as a resource for patrons, and for staff. It would be especially helpful when asked for an opinion on a book you aren't familiar with, to be able to refer to someone else's review.

In any workplace a Wiki on a particular topic would be an asset. A wiki would be more efficient than having email discussions about a problem or suggestion. All the material would be in one place and not clogging up your inbox.

Friday, June 6, 2008


I think with more practise and time to explore sites this will be a really useful tool.I was disappointed with the Travel blog I signed up for, but I'm sure with a bit more searching I will find something that suits my purposes. I haven't looked at Lonely Planet Thorntree Forum for a while, but it usually suits me because it is broken down by destination and topic. Will check to see if it has an option for a feed. I love BBC news and will watch that with interest.

I can imagine that people in specific industries will find this useful in terms of time saving. I know I will set up some feeds for library issues as I come across them.

I have checked the Lonely Planet Thorn Tree forum and it does have feeds, but the set up is different. It just adds it to your Favourites on your browser.

Libraries and travel

Am I the only librarian who can't walk past a library in a new place without going in? Everywhere I go they seem to jump out at me and I just have to go in a have at least a quick look, whether it's a national library or a small branch library only open a few hours a week.

I found this photo of the National Library of Estonia. It looks like the Russians may have maintained it during their regime, or maybe it has been restored. Either way it looks impressive.

Learning how Web 2.0 can help with travel

I am a constant traveller, either physically, through printed material or cyberspace.
I'm hoping this blog might introduce me to other people with itchy feet. If we could find a cure, we would be wealthy, because more travel only aggravates the problem.